Tim Price
Pulaski County Clerk
Office: 606-679-2042 Fax: 606-678-0073
PO Box 739 | 124 N Main St.
Somerset, KY 42502 | 42501
http://pulaski.kycountyclerk.us/ | tim.price@ky.gov
Delinquent Real Estate Tax
Each year the County Clerk's Office is responsible for conducting a tax sale on the delinquent tax bills. During the tax sale, the delinquent tax bills are eligible to be purchased by a third party. The week following April 15th, the Pulaski County Sheriff will turn over the unpaid tax bills to the County Clerk's Office. Per KRS 134.128, the tax sale may occur no earlier than 90 days and no later than 135 days after the bills have been turned over to the County Clerk's Office. The date of the sale for 2023 unpaid certificates of delinquency will be held on August 15th, 2024, in the Fiscal Court Room. The delinquent bills must be advertised no more than 45 days and no less than 30 days before the tax sale in the local newspaper. Research current list of delinquent tax bills here https://kydtax.smllc.us/DTaxPDFs/PulaskiDTax.pdf or you may contact our office for payoff at 606-679-2042.
Methods of Payment:
Our office accepts cashier's check, certified check, money order, credit card
(4.00 convenience fee added), or cash.
Make checks payable to Pulaski County Clerk. You may make your payment in person at:
Courthouse 2nd Floor Room 208
100 Main Street
Somerset, KY 42501
Or you may mail your payment to:
Pulaski County Clerk
PO Box 739
Somerset, KY 42502
Personal checks, business checks, or over the counter checks are not accepted.